November 14th, 2024
November 14th, 2024
TORONTO - New Democrats in York South - Weston came together to nominate Faisal Hassan as the candidate for the next provincial election.
“I am excited to get to work for the people of York South - Weston,” said Hassan. “Over the past few years, our community’s voice has been left behind. Ford’s Conservatives have made major decisions impacting the people of York South - Weston without listening to our voice. It’s time we had a government that puts people first. I am thrilled to join Marit and the Ontario NDP in delivering a better, brighter future for our community!”
“Faisal has been a relentless fighter for the people of York South - Weston,” said Marit Stiles, Ontario NDP leader. “Whether it is advocating for tenants, fighting illegal evictions, standing up for small businesses, or addressing the issues impacting his community - Faisal is always standing up for what’s right. I am proud to have Faisal on our team as we fight to get Doug Ford out, and bring an Ontario NDP government that’s focused on building homes, hiring doctors, fixing schools, and making life more affordable!”
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